Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no.35
The Mizunami Fossil Museum publishes the Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (ISSN0385-0900) since 1974. It contains papers of broad interest dealing with any aspect of geology and paleontology.
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Yamanouchi,Akeyo,Mizunami,Gifu 509-6132 Japan
Original Articles
Fossil Crustacea (excluding Cirripedia and Ostracoda) in the University of Bucharest Collections, Romania, including two new species Carrie E. Schweitzer, Rodney M. Feldmann, and Iuliana Lazăr (PDF 3.0MB)
Systematic evaluation of raninid cuticle microstructure David A. Waugh, Rodney M. Feldmann, and Carrie E. Schweitzer (PDF 8.8MB)
New crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Cenomanian stratotype (western Paris Basin, France) Joe S.H. Collins and Gérard Breton (PDF 2.8MB)
Neogene Crustacea from Southeastern Mexico Francisco J. Vega, Torrey Nyborg, Marco A. Coutiño, Jesús Solé,and Oscar Hernández-Monzón (PDF 1.8MB)
Albian decapod Crustacea from Southeast Isfahan, Central Iran-Kolah-Qazi area Mehdi Yazdi, Ali Bahrami, and Francisco J. Vega (PDF 1.8MB)
Harenacorystes johanjansseni, a new Pliocene crab (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Netherlands, and notes on Miocene-Pliocene corystoid crabs from the North Sea Basin Barry W. M. van Bakel, John W. M. Jagt, Pedro Artal, and René H. B. Fraaije (PDF 1.1MB)
New records of decapod macrurans from the Cretaceous of Catalonia and the Province of Castellón (Spain) Alessandro Garassino, Pedro Artal, and Giovanni Pasini (PDF 1.5MB)
The mid-Palaeozoic camerate crinoid Scyphocrinites Zenker in southwest England Stephen K. Donovan and David N. Lewis (PDF 1.2MB)
Pleistocene fossil insects from Tokachi, Hokkaido, north Japan (in Japanese with English abstract) Masakazu Hayashi and Shigehiko Shiyake (PDF 1.5MB)
Middle Pleistocene fossil insects from the Nogami Formation of Kokonoe, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan (in Japanese with English abstract) Masakazu Hayashi, Katsuro Yahiro, and Eiichi Kitabayashi (PDF 1.8MB)
Fossil diatoms and geological age of the Kanazu Formation in the Niitsu Hill, Niigata Prefecture (in Japanese with English abstract) Susumu Kato, Fumio Akiba, Chikara Hiramatu, and Hideki Iwano (PDF 3.8MB)
Miocene Tropical Sandy and Rocky Bottom Molluscan Assemblages of the Shimo Formation, Uchiura Group, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan (in Japanese with English abstract) Tomio Nakagawa (PDF 2.8MB)
Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no.35 (Supplement)
J. Itoigawa
Museums in 2008
Natural History Museums in Japan (2008) J. Itoigawa
How do live; Museum of humanities group C. Satomi
Museum and its research and collection
Mizunami Fossil Museum and Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum H. Karasawa and J. Itoigawa
Nagashima mineral collection and Nakatsugawa Mineral Museum Y. Ogino
Museum exhibition technique
Comprehensive exhibition in natural history museums J. Itoigawa
Exhibition technology of museums C. Satomi
Cooperative work of museums and schools
Cooperative works of Minokamo City Museum and schools-Learning of children and museum in a community- M. Kani
Ecomuseum of Japan and world (2008) C. Satomi
From the Natural History Museum to the "Ecomuseum" J. Itoigawa
Message from a Museology Student in the 20th Century of Japan K. Kurata
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