Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no.37
The Mizunami Fossil Museum publishes the Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (ISSN0385-0900) since 1974. It contains papers of broad interest dealing with any aspect of geology and paleontology.
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Yamanouchi,Akeyo,Mizunami,Gifu 509-6132 Japan
Original Articles
New fossil Brachyura (Decapoda: Homoloidea, Dorippoidea, Carpilioidea) from the United Kingdom Carrie E. Schweitzer and Rodney M. Feldmann (PDF 425.0KB)
A new genus and new species of Portunidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Colón Formation, Cuba Carlos Varela and Carrie E. Schweitzer (PDF 698.1KB)
Venipagurus mariae gen. et. sp. nov. (Decapoda, Anomura, Venipaguroidea) from the Lower Lias of Dorset, England Joe S. H. Collins (PDF 691.6KB)
A new species of Caloxanthus(Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Upper Santonian of southern France Joe S. H. Collins and Gérard Breton (PDF 181.1KB)
New axiidean Decapoda from the Albian (Lower Cretaceous) chemosynthetic community of Hokkaido, Japan Hiroaki Karasawa (PDF 654.0KB)
Axiidea and Brachyura (Decapoda) from the Miocene Shimo Formation, Uchiura Group, Fukui Prefecture, Japan Hiroaki Karasawa, Tomio Nakagawa, and Tatsuya Kaede (PDF 227.7KB)
In situ mud shrimps (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae) preserved within their burrows from the middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys Matúš Hyžný (PDF 469.2KB)
A new family, genus and species of cyclid (Crustacea, Branchiura, Cyclida) from mid-Cretaceous reefal deposits in northern Spain Barry W. M. van Bakel, John W. M. Jagt, René H. B. Fraaije, and Pedro Artal (PDF 133.2KB)
Miocene shallow marine Molluscs from the Hokutan Group in the Tajima area, Hyôgo Prefecture, southwest Japan Takashi Matsubara (PDF 2.1MB)
Chariocrinus japonicus, a new species of isocrinid crinoid (Articulata) from the Lower Cretaceous of Takayama City, central Japan Aaron W. Hunter, Tatsuo Oji, Timothy A. M. Ewin, and Kota Kitazawa (PDF 321.0KB)
Fossil Diatoms from Lacustrine Deposit in Owashi, northern Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan iroyuki Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, and Tamotsu Nagumo (PDF 1.5MB)
Geological age and sedimentary environment of the Anazawa Limestone in the Middle Miocene Bessho Formation, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan Susumu Kato, Chikara Hiramatsu, Michiko Miwa, and Takami Nobuhara (PDF 1.6MB)
Short notes
Chariocrinus japonicus, a new species of isocrinid crinoid (Articulata) from the Lower Cretaceous of Takayama City, central Japan Aaron W. Hunter, Tatsuo Oji, Timothy A. M. Ewin, and Kota Kitazawa (PDF 321.0KB)
The Recent boring Gastrochaenolites ornatus Kelly & Bromley, 1984, in a Chalk cobble from Cromer, England Stephen K. Donovan (PDF 148.6KB)
Crocodilian tooth from the Miocene Uchiura Group, in the western part of Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan Tomio Nakagawa and Yoshio Sowa (PDF 782.9KB)
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