Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no.31
The Mizunami Fossil Museum publishes the Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (ISSN0385-0900) since 1974. It contains papers of broad interest dealing with any aspect of geology and paleontology.
You can get the PDF files of the following articles free of charge.
Exchange and Subscription: contact the Mizunami Fossil Museum
Yamanouchi,Akeyo,Mizunami,Gifu 509-6132 Japan
Original Articles
Decapod phylogeny: addition of fossil evidence to a robust morphological cladistic data set Frederick R. Schram and Christopher J. Dixon (PDF 392.2KB)
Site selectivity of pits in the Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) echinoid Echinocorys Leske from France Stephen K. Donovan and John W. M. Jagt (PDF 68.8KB)
Recent and fossil Clinocardiinae (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) of the World. VIII. Addenda et corrigenda. Nomina dubia Alexander I. Kafanov (PDF 67.2KB)
A new genus and species of necrocarcinid crab (Crustacea, Brachyura) from the Upper Cretaceous of England Joe S. H. Collins and Robert J. Williams (PDF 38.4KB)
Pliocene-Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the Miyagijima and adjacent islands, off Katsuren Peninsula, east of Okinawa-jima, Japan (in Japanese with Englishabstract) Satoshi Hanagata (PDF 691.5KB)
Middle Pleistocene fossil insects from the Tsumori Formation of Mashiki-machi,Kumamoto Prefecture,Japan(Part 2)(in Japanese with English abstract) Masakazu Hayashi, Katsuro Yahiro, Naoshi Kitamura, and Eiichi Kitabayashi (PDF 139.5KB)
Early Pleistocene fossil insects from the Oyama Formation at Oyama-machi, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan (in Japanese with English abstract) Masakazu Hayashi, Katsuro Yahiro, and Eiichi Kitabayashi (PDF 114.6KB)
Plants from the Middle Miocene Shukunohora Sandstone Facies of the Mizunami Group, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan (in Japanese with English abstract) Haruyuki Ina (PDF 362.7KB)
Additional materials of Turbo (Batillus) priscus Ozawa and Tomida, 1996, from the Late Neogene of central Japan Susumu Tomida, Yoshiaki Mizuno, and Yoshitsugu Okumura (PDF 84.7KB)
Additional materials of Turbo (Batillus) priscus Ozawa and Tomida, 1996, from the Late Neogene of central Japan Susumu Tomida, Yoshiaki Mizuno, and Yoshitsugu Okumura (PDF 85.1KB)
A new species of Neburalia (Gastropoda, Mollusca) from the Miocene Katsuta Group in Okayama Prefecture,southwestern Japan Eiji Taguchi and Motohiro Kawase (PDF 94.3KB)
Hiroyuki Nishimoto (1934-2004): memorial (PDF 31.3KB)
Hiroyuki Nishimoto (1934-2004): biography and bibliography (PDF 28.7KB)
Instructions to contributions (PDF 14.9KB)
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