Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no.36
The Mizunami Fossil Museum publishes the Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (ISSN0385-0900) since 1974. It contains papers of broad interest dealing with any aspect of geology and paleontology.
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Yamanouchi,Akeyo,Mizunami,Gifu 509-6132 Japan
Original Articles
Decapod crustaceans from the type area of the Helvetian Stage (lower Miocene) in the Bern area, Switzerland René H. B. Fraaije, Ursula E. Menkveld-Gfeller, Barry W. M. van Bakel, and John W. M. Jagt (PDF 3.0MB)
New species of crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda), one from the Middle Danian of Denmark, and three new species from the Upper Cretaceous of Nigeria Joe. S. H. Collins (PDF 1.5MB)
Additions to the description of Costacopluma concava Collins and Morris, 1975 (Brachyura, Retroplumidae) Joe S. H. Collins and David J. Ward (PDF 1.5MB)
Palaega(Crustacea: Isopoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Kochi Prefecture, Japan (in Japanese with English abstract) Kenji Mimoto (PDF 1.5MB)
A new species of ghost shrimp (Decapoda: Thalassinidea) from the Miocene Kunimi Formation, Fukui Prefecture, Japan Hiroaki Karasawa and Tomio Nakagawa (PDF 1.9MB)
The first fossil record of the genus Callichirus (Decapoda, Axiidea, Callianassidae) from the middle Miocene of Hungary, with description of a new species Matúš Hyžný1 and Pál M. Müller (PDF 1.9MB)
Additions to Palaeocarpilius rugifer Stoliczka from the Oligocene of Kutch, western India Francisco J. Vega, Jugal K. Tiwari and Sunil Bajpai (PDF 1.5MB)
Ichnology of Late Cretaceous echinoids from the Maastrichtian type area (The Netherlands, Belgium) – 2. A pentagonal attachment scar on Echinocorys gr. conoidea (Goldfuss) Stephen K. Donovan, John W. M. Jagt, and Paul P. M. A. Dols (PDF 1.4MB)
Neogene diatoms in the environs of the Memorial Park of Petroleum, Tainai City, Niigata Prefecture (in Japanese with English abstract) Fumio Akiba, Susumu Kato, Yoko Inoue, and Toru Danhara (PDF 5.0MB)
Short notes
Where is Glasgow? Clarifying a Jamaican locality after 85 years Stephen K. Donovan (PDF 1.1MB)
Neocallichirus rodfeldmanni, a proposed replacement name for Neocallichirus manningi Schweitzer, Feldmann, Fam, Hessin, Hetrick, Nyborg & Ross, 2003 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae) Matúš Hyžný (PDF 328.6KB)
Philyra collinsi, new name for Philyra granulosa Morris and Collins, 1991 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Leucosiidae) Hiroaki Karasawa (PDF 315.3KB)
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