英語版資源、ごみ分別アプリの配信について(About the English version of the garbage separation application)

ページ番号1006023  更新日 令和2年7月1日


What is a resource and garbage separation application?

In Mizunami City, we started to provide the service of the garbage separation promotion application "San-Aru" from Monday, November 1, 2020. If you download the app and set your area, you can easily search for a garbage separation method and use the collection date notification function.
If you have a smartphone, please use it.

App usage fee

Communication charges will be borne by the user.

App top screen image

App top screen image

table of contents

table of contents
Touch the menu button at the top right of the top screen to display various information.

How to register the app

  1. Search for "sanaru" in each smartphone store App Store or Google Play.
  2. Please download the garbage separation application "Sanaru"
  3. Select your area (Gifu prefecture, Mizunami city, district name)
  4. Registration is complete


QR code for iPhone (go to App Store)

QR code for iOS terminals

QR code for Android (Go to Google Play)

For Android devices

About smartphone compatible version

  • iPhone version 9.0 or higher
  • Android version 5.0 or higher

Resource / garbage separation app flyer information flyer

Resource / garbage separation app flyer guide

Resource / garbage separation app flyer guide

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経済部 クリーンセンター

業務係 電話:0572-68-6010